StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter Knit-Whit: 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm On a Roll

Flower on Casey
Pattern: Reverse-Bloom Flower Washcloth by Cindy Taylor; Interweave Knits Winter 2003 & Weekend Knitting.
Yarn: Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille 1 skein
Color: 2238
Needles: Size 6-16" Bamboo circular & Size 6 bamboo DPN's
Started: August 19, 2007
Finished: August 23, 2007
Knit for: Me!

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

How Can I Make These More Interesting?

I need to blog about these Reverse-Bloom Flower Washcloths so I can remember details about my knitting but they're sooo boring to photograph. Casey helped me out a little here.
Casey & Flowercloth
Pattern: Reverse-Bloom Flower Washcloth by Cindy Taylor; Interweave Knits Winter 2003 & Weekend Knitting.
Yarn: Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille 1 skein
Color: 1240
Needles: Size 6-16" Bamboo circular & Size 6 bamboo DPN's
Started: August 15, 2007
Finished: August 19, 2007
Knit for: Me!
Lime Reverse-Bloom

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Projects

Tuesday I was out and about finding fabric for a project I have in mind (with a deadline) and I dropped into one of my LYSs. It's been quite a while since I was in a quilt or yarn shop. I think I held back pretty well, especially since the LYS had some delicious looking Jitterbug sock yarn.
Purchases 8/21/07

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I'm knitting myself a pair of Monkey socks with a picot edge. It looks like the edge is far wider than it should be. Does anyone know what I did wrong, if anything? Should I have knit the edge with one size smaller needle?
On another note, I'm using Socks That Rock with Birch needles and it feels like I'm knitting with 'buttah'. Nice, very nice.
Mini Monkey Sock

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Flowers Blooming Everywhere

In the interest of using up some of my stash, I finished another Reverse-Bloom Flower washcloth from Weekend Knitting.
Pattern: Reverse-Bloom Flower Washcloth by Cindy Taylor; Interweave Knits Winter 2003 & Weekend Knitting.
Yarn: Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille 1 skein
Color: 5329
Needles: Size 6-16" Bamboo circular & Size 6 bamboo DPN's
Started: August 11, 2007
Finished: August 13, 2007
Knit for: a new friend

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

I've Been Tagged

In between all her craziness, Splatgirl tagged me for this 4 things meme:

4 jobs I’ve had:

Parts driver for an auto parts/paint shop. I took the most from this job in the way of driving skills.
Clerk at a dry cleaner, oh boy...the stuff we found in pockets.
Dental Assistant
Dental Hygienist
and that's it, only 4 jobs.

4 places I’ve lived:

Mound View, MN
Shoreview, MN
Hugo, MN
that's it, only 3

4 places I’ve vacationed:

Ixtapa, Mexico
Big Island of Hawaii
Anchorage, Alaska
Grand Canyon, AZ

4 of my favorite foods:

Chicago Dogs
A really nice steak
Special K bars made with Rice Krispies
Eggs, all ways.

4 places I’d like to visit:

Anywhere in Canada
Yellowstone Natl Park
Maine, for lobster rolls ;-)
The Appalachian Trail

I tag anyone who wants to do this, that means you & you & you!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Wacky Weather

Just minutes ago I gathered up some hail from my back steps. Yikes. The weather here in the Twin Cities has been so crazy these last couple of days. Friday night a big storm blew through and damaged the State Fair grounds and Como Park, some people in that area are still without power. Tonight the storm is moving through a bit North of that area. I hope everyone in its path is OK.
Hail 8/13/07
Saturday when leaving the pet shop we saw this double rainbow which appeared just after a light sprinkling of rain.
Double Rainbow


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mine, All Mine!

This week Casey's been enjoying a huge rawhide bone given to us by our friend Splatgirl. If I didn't take it away he would finish it in one sitting so we've been hiding it occasionally but I think I'll give him the last bit of it tonight. It's been doing wonders on his teeth!
Big Bone
This week will be a fairly busy one for me plus my computer is toast so I won't be around too much but I'll try to post a photo or two. Have a good one!

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007


For some reason I'm really loving my toes this summer...
Lime Toes


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Rapid Rag Relayers on the Move!

When I recieved the package Friday for the Rapid Rag Relayers team, I pretty much dropped everything and knit until I was finished so I could get the box shipped again on Saturday.
Dish Rag Shipped to Camilla
I sent the box to Camilla in Indiana who pulled an all nighter and already shipped it off to the next player! We're kicking butt.
Dish Rag Tag Outgoing Package
Funny how I signed up for only 2 knitalongs this year and I completed them both in the same week.

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sockapalooza 4 Socks are on Their Way!

I finished the Monkey socks I knit for my Sockapalooza 4 pal just in the knick of time. I shipped them out on Thursday morning. Could they be coming to your door?
Finished Monkey Socks for Sockapalooza 4
Pattern: Monkey by Cookie A.
Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill superwash merino
Color: 'Brights'
Needles: Size 2 birch dpn's
Started: June 7, 2007
Finished: August 1, 2007
Knit for: Wouldn't you like to know

Inside Box
The goodies I included in the box. There's a bit of a clue in there! And here's the package to watch for...
Ready for Shipment
I've added some things into my etsy shop, go check them out!

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

August Nails

Yesterday I went to get my latest pedicure, Pooltime Lime. As usual Casey was guarding me and also the dry grass. And I'm still on the same book I was the last time I got a pedicure, so very close to finishing though.
August Nails

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Tag, I'm It!

Today I received the dish rag tag box from Emily, the creator of Dish Rag Tag. Since I'm team captain I got it 1st. Basically, I knit a dish rag from one of the balls of cotton enclosed and send it along with 2 balls of cotton and a goodie or two to the next player. And I get to keep all the other stuff inside the box...a dish rag and a recipe for shortbread with some cookie cutters. This game is fun!
Tag, I'm it!

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007


A major bridge in Minneapolis collapsed tonight. We are OK.
We were traveling South on 35W at about 6:15 when we saw the MNDoT trucks putting up barricades to block traffic from traveling in that direction. Very scary stuff and my thoughts are with the victims.


The WeatherPixie

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