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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good Morning

Just a bit of a catch up post...
Knitting: nothing new happening. Just working on some of the same projects from this post. I've been very good at not adding to my stagnant stash.
Quilting / sewing: I made a baby blanket for a friend to give as a gift. Otherwise not too much.
Summer fun: We're headed to a big mountain bike race this coming weekend, Kyle is competing and I'm cheering. Hopefully it won't be too hot & humid. **I just looked at the forecast and it's supposed to be REALLY nice! Yee Haw.
Casey Blue 7/25/08
Casey: As you can see, he's having a great summer!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A New Pushie

Yesterday Kyle surprised me with a new bike! I LOVE it. It's a pretty green color and it has a super cool Fox shock and Juicy brakes - which apparently in the bike world is a good thing.
My New Gary Fisher
Earlier in the day I was going crazy over a 6 month old Weimaraner puppy that one of my patients brought in for me to see so I think he was trying to distract me from wanting a puppy :)


Monday, July 28, 2008

CSA is Fun

This past Saturday the CSA farm I support had an open house for all the CSA shareholders. I trekked out there with Splatgirl and boy, the people we split our share with. The farm had zucchini bowling and kohlrabi bocce ball set up, we took a tour of the fields on a trailer behind the old tractor, helped weed the peppers and eggplants and ate a potluck lunch. I made deviled eggs but managed to forget them on my way out the door so I've been eating an egg nearly every time I open the fridge. If you would like to see more photos of the farm visit you can go to my Flickr set.
Weeding Peppers
This is a photo of the group weeding the peppers. It went very fast with all the manpower that was there. I'm definitely glad I went and learned more about the farm I get all my delicious vegetables from!

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rotten Tomatoes

I'm pretty sure I know why this happened to these homegrown tomatoes but I want to ask all of you, has this ever happened to your tomatoes?
Rotten Tomatoes


Friday, July 25, 2008

Toe Envy

Pedicure #4 - 2008 *Nasty - China Glaze*
Pedicure #4 - 2008
Thanks mom!


Thursday, July 24, 2008


Tonight we went to Thursday Night Lights at the local Velodrome. Tonight was especially fun because there was a MN Thunder soccer game in the stadium you can see behind the velodrome and we could hear the crowd cheer every time the Thunder scored. I can't wait to watch these types of events during the Olympics!


Monday, July 21, 2008

The Heat is On

Not a whole heck of a lot happening around here besides working, bicycling, yard work, cooking and just a tiny bit of knitting and quilting.
Wee Sock - The Heat is On Swap
Pattern: Wee Tiny Sock by Yarn Miracle
Yarn: Knit Picks Sock Garden - Zinnia
Needles: Size 1 birch dpn's
Started: July 14, 2008
Finished: July 19, 2008
Knit for: July Wee Sock Swap Pal (Ravelry swap) - the quarter added for scale is a clue to where the sock was mailed.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Orange I Silly

Pedicure #3 - 2008 *Nice Hands, Great Nails O-P-I*
I went somewhere other than my normal nail salon, I should know better.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Trio of Toes

Pedicure #2 - 2008 *No Way Jose - China Glaze* (My toes are on the bottom of the photo)
I took my nieces & my mom for their 1st pedicures, we all had a great time. The little girls opted for flowers, I went for the plain toes. I'm way behind in blogging...this photo was taken almost 2 weeks ago and my toes are about ready for another pedi.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Independence Day weekend!


Thursday, July 03, 2008

One of Seven

I've finished the 1st of seven UFO's in my queue.
The tried and true reverse-bloom flower washcloth
Reverse Bloom Flower Cloth - Blue
Pattern: Reverse-Bloom Flower Washcloth by Cindy Taylor
Yarn: Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille color #9008
Needles: Size 6 bamboo
Started: May 6, 2008
Finished: June 26, 2008
Knit for: Maxine, my mother-in-law

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