UFO's & FO's
My oldest ufo, a lace scarf knit with Cherry Tree Hill - began in January 2005
A reverse-bloom flower washcloth - began May 6, 2008
Wobbly tote - side 2 - began January 2007
Casey's jersey - for Knit my Dog a Sweater KAL - began January 2007
Pink Sheldon - began February 2, 2008
A purple stow away shopping bag - began last Thursday June 12th
and in the very middle a single sock -began March 20, 2008
On the other hand, remember I said I had been sewing quite a bit lately? This is what I did on Saturday. I pieced, quilted and almost finished binding a wall hanging / table quilt which I started way back in the year 2000 or maybe 2001, but who's counting?
I also made the cutest pillow case I've made to date, imo...the cherry print with rick-rack.
I added a bee motif to a Moleskine journal and I also made a block for the And Still Counting project.
So, I don't feel too bad about not knitting lately.
Somehow the cutest pillowcase you've made to date made it to my mailbox! I LOVE IT! It's soft and colorful and perfect! :-) Thanks -- the kids love it too!
Ufo's are the trail of ourselves we leave for the next generation. That's my rationalization any how.
Thanks for the block! This project justs keeps growing!
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