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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Is Summer Almost Over?

What would the end of the month be on my blog without a mosaic? August is the last month of Project Spectrum short of Project Spectrum Clean Sweep in September. I finished all I set out to do these last 6 months but I may do something special for September. We'll see...
Tomorrow I'll devote a seperate post to the project I finished for August P.S. , just this afternoon actually.
August mosaic

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

State Fair

A summer in Minnesota wouldn't be complete without a trip ot two to the best State Fair in the country. Today was my second trip, an all out food and photo fest with my friend Splatgirl. The weather was perfect, the company even better and the food was plenty. We rode the giant slide, saw a newly born calf and watched People's Court in the bathroom. What a blast. See all my photos here.
This corndog was the first of two...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Whiz By Weekend

My weekend has been eated up (in a good way) with so many things. Following a Friday of work and an afternoon at the state fair with a friend, I went to watch Kyle participate in a 24 hour mountainbike race on a 4 man team. In this photo he's on the far left, he just tagged his team mate Dave after his 1st lap. His laps were taking him about an hour and 10 minutes, the best of the team. It looks super hard...I'm not sure I'd be able to do it.
Yesterday while Kyle finished up the 24 hour race, I went to our friends wedding. The entire wedding party drove to the reception on motorcycles. It was pretty funny seeing all the girls straddling the bikes with their dresses on and the guys wore flamed Chuck Taylors.
So finally today there's been a little break in the weekend action. Kyle's on his way up north for a track day tomorrow and I'm going to hit the local Oriental restaurant for some food and settle in for some tv & knitting and / or project spectrum crafting. I'd have gone with him if I didn't have this nasty thing called a job ;-)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Eureka! I found some swanky dog swag at Old Navy this week. Check out Casey's new windbreaker/slicker. It has a tuck away hood and the underside is blue fleece. The stripey fleece blanket is just his size and he loves the tennis ball toy. Plus, can he get any dang cuter?

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's All Casey

Mommy says I've been tagged by Waldo & Nestle so here I go...

First, I'm supposed to repeat the 'rules':
The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." Then you tag 5 fur friends and list their names. The furries who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Mommy told me to tell you if you want to do this just do it.

1. If I'm not between mommmy & daddy at night, I can't sleep. I just stare at them until they make me some room. And when I sleep I love to use pillows, mommy buys the best ones.
2. If toys land in the yard anywhere near where I've done my business...forget it...I'm not picking it up, the toy has been contaminated.
3. Squirrels make me go crazy. I like to stalk them in the yard.
4. I can't hold my lickker. This drives my grandpa crazy!
5. When I stretch up to daddy's shoulders, I always fart.

All Aboard

OK, do any of you remember Toots? They seem to be the 2nd largest sticker collection I have. If I remember right, they came from a stationery store at the mall.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Scratch 'n Sniff

A couple of weeks ago I was reading Knitting-Sushi in AZ and ran across a blast from my past, Trend scratch 'n sniffs. So of course I had to dig mine out and spread them all out for a photo session. Too fun. They smell just as I remember and I wouldn't be able to list a favorite, I love them all. These stinky stickers are selling for an insane amount of money on ebay too, what should I do? Sell or save?
One super cool thing, Trend is? was ? a local MN company.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday Sky Take 9

Today couldn't have been nicer. The temperature stayed under 80ยบ, no rain, a little breeze. Just perfect.
Thanks for all the good lucks for the race last night. I finished in 39:50. Not too quick but I did it and that's what counts. Splatgirl was a bit quicker than me at 36:58. Check out what she's been making today...very cool.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Not a whole heck of a lot going on.
I picked up some extra shifts this month so I've been working a bunch.
This evening
Splatgirl and I are running in a 5K.
Maybe tonight I'll plop on the couch and knit a little.
The MN State Fair begins in 6 days!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What Are We? Clowns?

Turn time back to last summer when I was oogling over cotton candy ice cream. Then fast forward to this past Sunday at the local big box grocery store. Wowza! Right there on the shelf, all alone (I hope this is not a bad sign) cotton candy ice cream!!!!! And it's damn good too.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Mesa Socks

Yarn: Socks That Rock
Color: Mesa (hint)

Needles: US 2 DPN Rosewood
Pattern: CO 60 1x1 rib for 6 rows then 3x1 rib all the way to the kitchener stitch. Eye of Partridge heel.
Started: April 29, 2006
Finished: August 13, 2006 my 1st FO in a looong time other than warshrags
Knit for: It's a surprise. I don't think she reads this but someone she's close to might.
I noticed the moon off in the distance this morning.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

In the Pink

Yesterday I took a ride out to the house project (anything for a ride on the bike ;-).
The basement walls went up this past week and now they are covered in insulation. Everybody was hard at work while I sat upon on huge dirt pile playing foreman. I did help a little, I had to run into town for some nails. ...anything for a ride on the bike.
See that doorway in between the two guys inside the basement? That's the door to the vault. How cool is that?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Sky Take 8

Friday, August 11, 2006

Moto-Knitter magazine

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Stella Bow-Wow

Casey acquired a new baby recently, Stella Bow-Wow. Apparently this is a character from a show or movie? Not sure, all I know is Casey loves her big round head and he licks her a ton.
And I've acquired 3 new trial size warshrags. Happy Knitting.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Nice Day New Place

This morning we took a ride out to my parents new land which now includes a driveway as seen below. Oh! First we stopped at our favorite breakfast spot, Keys Cafe. They make a caramel roll unlike any other.
I couldn't resist sitting in the world's best dirt mover...a Caterpillar. Kyle builds them by the way so I'm a bit partial.
The house has begun, footings for the basement walls I think. Follow the story here on my mom's new blog.
And our transportation for the day. We put on a fun 70 miles, the weather was absolutely perfect for a ride today.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday Sky Take 7

Friday, August 04, 2006

Crouching Dog...

I brought Casey with me one day while running a few errands and I realized he was sitting with his butt up on the back seat and his front legs planted on the floor in front of him. What a complete nut.
Does anyone know why Bloglines wouldn't pick up a feed? Splatgirl's been posting but Bloglines hasn't told me so.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's Trial Size!

I have a certain friend who loves trial size anything so when I decided to scale down the warshrag from Mason-Dixon Knitting, I knew she would be getting the first one. Her new little kitty told me it's just right!
Details: CO 27 sts.
I followed the pattern repeat exactly but with fewer stitches. It's not rocket science.
Sorry for the puffiness, I refuse to block warshrags.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday! It's nice to know you're all still there. As far as Bloglines goes, I continue to get old posts for just about everyone that uses Blogger, I have no idea what that's about. I assure you I do not republish my blog that often. I'd rather use that time to knit or watch trashy reality T.V.
Since I'm limited to computer time while my laptop is in the hardware hospital and I'm stuck in the computer dungeon, I will not be replying to the comments individually this week, sorry...
That doesn't mean I love you any less.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Green Bug on White Pants

My laptop is going on a little vacation today to get a few bugs worked out, hopefully you won't notice though. By the way, where are all the readers? Have I slacked enough that I've been deleted off your reading lists? My comments have almost disappeared. Is this a result of Bloglines?? Are my posts offensive?? Are you just not out there?? What's up??

The WeatherPixie

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