New Years Resolutions / Goals
*Read more, maybe a book per month? I know this doesn't sound like much but I only managed to read about 6 books in 2005, I started 2 others but never finshed...horrible.
*Learn to knit off a chart (ie: Knitting on the Road)
*Organize Recipe Box
*Buy less stuff...I must have something around here that will work
*Knit /sew from my stash
*Learn to knit socks on circular needles & toe up
*Enter 2007 with pairs of singles singles singles singles (yes that's 4 singles, or is it really 2 pair
So there you have it, a few simple goals to strive for in 2006.
I'll leave you with a photo of the now eaten key lime coolers I received from my Secret Pal 5 as a Christmas gift, it was a lovely surprise! Thanks Paula, they were de-lish!

Since I had such a great time with Secret Pal 5, I've signed up for Secret Pal 7...
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