Top Dog
This is Alison getting him into the correct stance for the judge. Brandt was the only all white one there most of the other French Bulldogs were all black.
I watched the Vizslas for quite a while yesterday since that's a breed I'd like to get. When I talked to Kyle last night he said "Hmmm, no, too small {what?} we need another Weim". OK whatever Kyle...
On the way home I was driving by a LYS I've only been to once before about a year ago so I thought I'd drop in. Of course I couldn't go away empty handed. I know I have plenty of yarn already but what fun is it if I can't buy something I like?
I know, I know...more sock yarn? Yes, apparently I'm obsessed. Single skeins of Lorna's Laces and Koigu for socklettes, I might even add pom poms. Lana Grossa Meilenweit Cotton Multiringel since this stuff is super hard to find & makes lovely socks (this was their last ball) and a ball of Pon Pon because there was a store sample with this added into wool before felting and it looked super neat-o. So there you have it...more yarn. Would would have thought I needed any more??
Last night Lara and Vern picked me up for dinner and then Lara and I perused Km#rt for some stuff we'd heard about. They really have some decent things. I picked up a few kitchen towels and some plastic drinking glasses. We also found jumbo straws ( a little tough to find) and then we spyed Nerds Rope for 34ยข! That's a huge bargain and like Lara said "since when does candy go on sale?".
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