UFO's & FO's
My oldest ufo, a lace scarf knit with Cherry Tree Hill - began in January 2005
A reverse-bloom flower washcloth - began May 6, 2008
Wobbly tote - side 2 - began January 2007
Casey's jersey - for Knit my Dog a Sweater KAL - began January 2007
Pink Sheldon - began February 2, 2008
A purple stow away shopping bag - began last Thursday June 12th
and in the very middle a single sock -began March 20, 2008
On the other hand, remember I said I had been sewing quite a bit lately? This is what I did on Saturday. I pieced, quilted and almost finished binding a wall hanging / table quilt which I started way back in the year 2000 or maybe 2001, but who's counting?
I also made the cutest pillow case I've made to date, imo...the cherry print with rick-rack.
I added a bee motif to a Moleskine journal and I also made a block for the And Still Counting project.
So, I don't feel too bad about not knitting lately.