Sharpie! Sharpie!

On a side note: I'd like to thank everyone who leaves comments on my blog. I LOVE reading them and I know I don't always respond but I thank you. Sometimes I try to respond and the email feature through Blogger doesn't always work. Thank you thank you thank you for all the comments. Keep 'em comin'!
I am impressed that you got the whole rainbow! I love how the caps click on so nicely. I kind of want to wear my three as a necklace, but I think that might be a little too odd, and maybe I would be mistaken for a tagger!
I'm jealous of your multi pack! Here I thought I was so clever finding a four pack at Target. I'm thinking of putting them on a ghetto glamour belt made of duct tape.
Hi - I found your blog via the Midwest Knitters webring.
I saw those cute sharpies at Office Max over the weekend. I commented to the cashier about how cute they were, and she was like "Yeah, you're not the first person to say that. They're just markers, though."
Someone obviously didn't pass the sales and marketing section of their training! :-P
Must---have---keychain---Sharpie!!!!! Now I'm going to have to go find these they are AWESOME!
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