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Saturday, April 21, 2012

1 Year??!

I just noticed it's been 1 year since I've posted on my blog. I peek over here once in a while but since I keep track of all my knitting on Ravelry (get over there!) it seems redundant to post here too. I'll try to be better at getting a post up here once in a while, OK?
This year I'm trying to knit 12 pairs of socks and read 12 12 in 2012 project of sorts.
So far, I've finished 2 pairs of socks and 1 book. Not off to a great start but there's still a lot of time left.
So the 1st book I finished was The Hunger Games and I also saw the movie 3 times!! I'm now reading the 2nd book in the series, Catching Fire.
This is the first pair of socks I finished this year, I name them Pink Ribbys.
And my 2nd pair, given to my mom for her birthday. I named them Winter in Ely since I purchased the yarn in Ely, MN in the winter, the color reminds me of winter and my mom's birthday is in the winter.
See you soon!!!

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